Welcome to the Occupation

I recently read Live not by Lies, by Rod Dreher. Takeaways:

1. Social Justice ideology is antithetical to liberalism. You can get that from Pluckrose and Lindsay (Dreher cites Lindsay).

2. The Social Justice movement manipulates language and pressures people to accept lies. You can get that from Jordan Peterson, who first came to prominence because he was not willing to let government dictate his use of gender pronouns. Dreher does not cite Peterson, but he does cite Orwell, who wrote the classic warning about coerced lying.

3. The tyranny that is coming to this country will be a “soft” tyranny. Mass surveillance will come from technology firms, not from a secret police. Enforcement will come from social pressure, restrictions on employment, and de-platforming, not from imprisonment, torture, or assassinations.

4. Dreher’s main claim is that in order to resist this tyranny, one must learn from the Christian resistance to the Soviet Union. Above all, we must not allow Social Justice propaganda to obliterate history and destroy freedom of conscience. We should live with the hope that truth will defeat tyranny.