Thomas Sowell, Conservative

In a list of quotes from Sowell, there is this:

Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late.

The three-axes model seems to fit. The other quotes are all worth reading.

My favorite book by Sowell is The Vision of the Anointed. Most people seem to prefer A Conflict of Visions.

14 thoughts on “Thomas Sowell, Conservative

  1. Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late.

    Although, I know Sowell disliked Barack Obama, but I do find that his second term probably had the least consequential drama for any President since Eisenhower. (So the Ebola panic of 2014 was not long term consequential.) For all Obama problems, his personality was the most conservative of any modern President since Eisenhower and he tended to under-react to most issues. (Although I think you could argue Bush Sr.)

    And now we have Trump that seems to take a controversial story and extended out by months. Look at his reaction to the Russian hacking story. I suspect if he simply agreed with Obama, took the political hits early, and the issue would be let go in a month or so. (In reality Dems want the battle to Obamacare and Medicare not Rusghazi.) Or look at this reaction to any private business decisions to build factories….I still say one of Trump’s rants is going to cost him and this country a lot in the long run. No I don’t have any guesses what will set him off although something to do with China or Mexico probably a good guess as any.

    • I suspect if he simply agreed with Obama, took the political hits early, and the issue would be let go in a month or so

      Yeah, right. This would be the WaPo headline every other day for the next 4 years “Trump Admits He is Russian Stooge”.

  2. With all due respect to Sowell, he stole that line from Hannah Arendt: “Every year Western Civilization is invaded by a new group of barbarians whom it is our duty to civilize. They are called children.” (Possibly apocryphal, as I could find no original source for it, but widely quoted.)

    • “Possibly apocryphal, as I could find no original source for it…”

      “Apocryphal” = of doubtful authenticity. “Possibly apocryphal” amounts to “possibly possibly bogus.”

      • You are right. I always read “apocryphal quote” as “not found in any of the authenticated works of the author or the author’s associates, and hence almost certainly bogus (and not merely doubtful).”

        That in and of itself seemed a little harsh to me in this case. What we need is a word for “no authoritative source found by 10 minutes of diligent googling.”

  3. Children civilize themselves, usually it is parents turning them into barbarians.

  4. My favorite is his trilogy on culture, economics, trade, etc.

    Race and Culture
    Migrations and Cultures
    Conquests and Culture

    His web site lists it here:

    = – = – = – =

    The average person, well educated or not, could learn something at his web site just looking as his recommended reading, quotes, thoughts on his own writing process, etc.

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