2 thoughts on “Self-Promotion

  1. The URL for your post linking to your Naim essay seems to be broken. I was going to post the following comment there:

    “If those of us who lean libertarian differ from Naim’s conclusions, we should still be aware that his views are much closer than ours to those of most of the world’s elite.”

    Did you mean to say “his views are much closer to ours than to those?” If not, it’s no surprise that the “world’s elite” don’t lean libertarian. 😉

  2. I’m not sure how to fit the views of my more religious relatives into the 3 axis model. A force-fit would be the civilization-barbarism axis. But, there is a disconnect with that axis wherever they believe they can refer to some scriptural passage about bringing down the powers-that-were; Pharaoh or whomever.

    Is there a fourth axis?

    holy – unholy?
    sacred – profane?

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