Rand Paul and the Three-Axes Model

Check out this story. The phrase “something really depraved is rising in this country” sounds much more like the conservative “civilization vs. barbarism” axis than the libertarian “freedom vs. coercion” axis.

1 thought on “Rand Paul and the Three-Axes Model

  1. Looks like Rand is trolling for religious conservative votes. Good for him, make vague statements about spiritual cleansing but don’t commit yourself on any issue. I wish his dad had been as politically astute and aware of how to sell yourself to a national audience.

    You might have even inspired Fox News to really take up this barbarism angle, witness this segment on yesterday’s O’Reilly Factor, titled “Is the USA really becoming a nation that embraces barbarism?” While the right may have implicitly been talking about barbarism or explicitly talked about barbaric muslim culture, I think this is the first time I’ve seen the term applied to the US, outside of this blog. So you may be helping them refine their messaging with your three axes. 😉

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