1 thought on “More FITS commentary

  1. Matty Y:

    1) “The Plan” has slowly driven the poorest blacks out of DC in favor of richer whites, and as a result things are nicer and metrics are better.

    2) But some of the worst performers are black teachers, and its an open secret that public sector unions in DC have always been corrupt spoils systems for the local black population, and its no shocker that the public sector union goes to the mat for its most incompetent black teachers.

    3) But maybe this once we can’t let them burn it all down by shouting RACISM! Even though Matty Y totally agrees that RACISM! is a big problem and we can’t rule it out completely.

    4) And anyway, what really matters is that DC is now spending over $22k/student, one of the highest in the nation, for some of the worst results. But that extra spending MUST have led to slight improvements because it’s progressive to spend money on schools, certainly those minor fluctuations can’t just be demographic changes.

    To get all that extra spending DEMS had to agree with meanie meanie “reforms” like firing the bottom 1% of teachers who are categorically bad at their jobs, which BTW Matt doesn’t like, but it was a small price to pay in order to spend a fortune on public education.

    5) End Zoning! (even though zoning pushing out poor blacks is literally the key to DCs renaissance).

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