13 thoughts on “meetup over Zoom

  1. Sounds interesting.

    I hope this will be online later for viewing by those who can’t attend in real time.

  2. Too bad pranksters derailed the conversation. There needs to be a way to confine it to regular participants.

    • I suppose you are referring to Handle who showed up in a COVID Halloween costume, complete with matching sunglasses? The disrespect…

      • No disrespect!

        As for the ZoomBombing – I think it’s just a matter of getting up the learning curve for quickly identifying and booting troublemakers out. In the usual cases, Zoom is intuitively usable with next to zero familiarization, so no one bothers to learn that stuff until they need it.

        So, if one has never done that before and suddenly needs to, one has to fumble around for how those controls work, but by then the bomber is already derailing your session.

        • Dude – only joking. I’m glad you were there as an active participant!

          Despite the very minor early hiccups, I enjoyed it. Hope that our host continues these on at least a quarterly basis.

  3. Arnold, we got “zoom-bombed.” Do a search and you will see there are articles on how to preclude this from happening.

  4. I would have liked to attend. I guess one good thing is that now we know the blog has a prankster readership as well!

    • The Zoom bombers are not necessarily readers of the blog; they just pick up the Zoom link (most likely from social media) and in effect vandalize the attempt to have a conversation

      • I actually thought that the female copulatory vocalizations from the zoom bombers were a net plus. They added a certain ambiance to the discussion.

        However, glad that our host was able to 86 them in short order.

  5. Glad it was productive, sorry I couldn’t make it (at 2:30 am Bratislava), but I’ll try harder for the next time.

    For Fantasy Intellectual Teams, I’d recommend …
    a Slack group.

    Arnold didn’t like approving points by Slack, and I can understand why, but for having conversation threads, and async, and auto saving the history, lots of folks like it better than email or anything else.

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