Yes, that was my picture

A friend at dancing last night said that she saw my picture in the NY Times. I could not figure out what she meant, but she was right! If you scroll down in the article, you will see a picture from 2011.

At that hearing, I discarded my prepared remarks and instead called out the other two guys as representing special interests. The Democratic Senator chairing the hearing was not happy. I am actually rather proud of that one.

Incidentally, the Times story is slanted in an odd way. If you know anything about the Fannie Mae lobby in its heyday (and many of its hatchet men are still active), you would say that calling Fannie Mae a victim of lobbying is like calling Donald Trump a victim of harsh rhetoric.

4 thoughts on “Yes, that was my picture

  1. The article reads to me like a not very scrupulous reporter trying to mold some pieces of information into a simplistic narrative of greedy commercial bankers conspiring against the public by trying to muscle out…the greedy mortgage bankers at Fannie and Freddie. Bad attempt to spin a rather boring Inside Baseball type story into something compelling.

    • But, from the reporter’s point of view, the Fannie and Freddie guys are the GOOD greedy mortgage bankers, while the guys from the commercial banks are the BAD ones. Greed, and Fannie/Freddie stockholders leeching off the taxpayers, is just fine as long as it furthers the Left’s agenda.

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