What I’m Reading

The Thing Itself, a new book by Michael Munger, which appeared without fanfare. Much of it consists of ideas that he has expressed previously. One of these is his comparison of private and public bus service in Santiago, Chile.

Here is an update on the story.

less than two weeks later, the week of its planned launch, Night School was postponed indefinitely while its founders grappled with the CPUC, which claimed the start-up was not properly licensed as a passenger carrier.

This more recent instance of government authorities insisting that mass transit not be privately provided took place not in Santiago, Chile, but in San Francisco, California.

2 thoughts on “What I’m Reading

  1. Maybe making political positions amenable to part-time would be good. What if tech workers served on these boards instead of just professional bureaucrats and full-time politicians?

    • It would never work. Discussions would be too focused on implementation and execution and would ignore the loftier goals and rhetoric that are used to inspire and confuse the sheeple.

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