11 thoughts on “view FITS teams

  1. So…where can we set up the secondary market and make bets on the outcomes of these teams?

    • I’ve suggested it over at Polymarket, hopefully we get one.

      As I noted there, Robin Hanson, who practically invented prediction markets, is #33

  2. I’m not sure I want Tyler Cowen making bets on the outcome of FIT… unless he’s on my team of course

  3. Interesting to see the cliques of the players on the same team. Tim the Enchanter reads a lot of Substack. The Null Hypes read rationalists. Free Lunch is Econlib. Uni-Verse is libertarian legal field*.

    *If your time horizon in long enough, this one will clean up on the Memes field as the Supreme Court starts incorporating their ideas into their rulings, as they did in the Obamacare case and a bunch of Volokh’s writings on 1st amendment. I think you might see some of Blackman’s ideas show up if the court ever takes a Free Exercise in the Era of Covid case, but sounds like they are too chicken to do so, Goresuch excepted. But the gears of justice grind slowwwwly.

    • As I understand it, to score you need to submit “plays” to Arnold for him to adjudicate and record. Selecting players who you read regularly will make it much more likely for an owner to claim any available plays. I’m curious how much drafting vs claiming will play a part in the final outcome.

      To that end, selecting a prolific player who does podcasts (like Joe Rogan) might be quite a drain (not that he’s likely to score many points).

      • We’ll see how many points Rogan scores. My “bet” is currently “more than you’d think”. He steelmans quite a bit. And at 3 hours a day, he has plenty of time to score a point a day. I’d be really surprised if he scores less than 3 points a week, and he was drafted by a team that has two managers, so they can split the load of tracking. (It’s working – this format nudged me into quantifying my bet.)

  4. Lol. However chose me is smart. I’m high profile enough to count, but low profile enough to read this blog and care about my team’s performance. I’m going to make sure this guy (chick?) is rewarded for his vote of confidence!

    • Many thanks!

      I drafted you because you are a great, interesting writer who looks at issues from different angle, plus, I read Scholar’s Stage religiously so no added work! I tried to get a steel manning point yesterday for your Welcome to the Decade of Concern. (a great read people) but there wasn’t enough disagreement for it to qualify. I have no doubt regardless though that your pieces would earn points. By the way, are there any “memes” that you have popularized? Memes are my weakness and I don’t recognize them often.

      Thanks again! I am sure that you will have a great season!

      • Memes are the hard one. I have heard a few people pick up my phrase “cultures that build.” Mark Lutter, for example, uses it fairly often on his podcast. Likewise, the idea behind that phrase, “the main question in American social life is not “how do we make that happen?” but “how do we get management to take our side?” has been cited multiple times, and sometimes directly. I am not sure if that counts as a full fledged meme though.

        Perhaps I could do better at this game if I worked harder and taking concepts like that and reducing them down to Capitalized Short Phrases which I then use all the time.

        As an aside, do you get a point for each time I do it, or just one point total for memes (no matter how many go viral), steelmans (no matter how many I write), and predictions (no matter how many I make)?

        • Just great. Now it’s going to go Full Goodhart’s Law as Arnollectuals juice their own stats. The hall of fame will add an asterisk to your name.

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