Tyler Cowen Interviewed

The transcript is interesting. I could have annotated almost any one of his answers with comments of my own. One example:

the best way to “educate yourself,” for most people at most stages in your life, is to make marginal adjustments in your peer group. That means more mobility along particular dimensions, including geographic. Yet in most ways our current mobility is going down.

Recall that my suggested way to speed the formation of new patterns of specialization and trade is to increase social mixing.

2 thoughts on “Tyler Cowen Interviewed

  1. One question I have would be “can people take advice (as opposed to knowledge like how supply and demand works) from people like Professor Cowen or is what they have due to ability and personality and thus non-transferrable?”

  2. The obvious opportunity cost of mobility is where you don’t move and where you move from. So how do you decide? And did you screw up the decision last time?

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