Russ Roberts’ Twelve Rules for Life

I think that they are really good. Here is one example:

Give up a lot to be at a funeral

You can always find an excuse for not going. It’s in the middle of the day, you have a lot to do, the person is already gone, the family of the one who’s gone will understand, and most of all, how important is it really? Try to go anyway. Attending any funeral is a reminder of what’s important in life. Attending a funeral of someone who touched your life builds gratitude and is a kindness to those left behind.

My wife taught me this one. If a relative of one of our friends dies, we try to attend the funeral even if we did not know that relative very well.

Funeral services are deeply life-affirming. Eulogies provide a valuable perspective on life. They remind you of what is important. They remind you of what is best in people. And they tell stories of the variety of human experience.

2 thoughts on “Russ Roberts’ Twelve Rules for Life

  1. It is fine to be at a funeral but frankly I don’t want to save a lot for my funeral. I never understood this desire for a big funeral for people. (In reality it was bigger deal in the past than today.) Frankly I fine with my three kids having a beer and then throwing my ashes in any old street or woods. I rather spend alive or helping my kids through college than on a funeral.

    However, I do think one of Trump’s biggest weaknesses as a President is he has not delivered a good emotional eulogy. He really should given one at Heather Heyer last year and he should give one for the Florida victims. I think of my favorite memories of past Presidents I think of Obama Grace Speech in South Carolina, Bush Jr. after 9/11, Clinton after Oklahoma City and Reagan in the shuttle crash of 1986. I have not seen Trump have the ability to give a good eulogy.

  2. If you don’t want to spend a lot for a funeral, consider donating your body to a medical school. They’ll take care of what’s left so your three kids won’t have to find some place where no one’s looking. That’s what we’ve arranged. We’ll even be doing some good after we’re not around.

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