6 thoughts on “Kamala Harris, for the win

  1. Well, I think both candidates are likely to annoy you a lot, so the question is who will annoy you more. In which case, I wouldn’t count Trump out!

  2. The statement from the piece “[t]hat is what makes early accounts of Senator Kamala Harris’s economic plans so disappointing” is hilarious. Would you really expect enlightened, sound policy from her? A reasonable person holding ***that view*** counts as the true disappointment.

  3. We do seem to have a penchant lately for electing politicians who are ignorant, arrogant, and self-righteous.

  4. On the one hand, if the high price of housing means your house has doubled in value, you feel pretty content with that. But you never see your grandkids. That’s the downside.

    Plane tickets are cheap, especially with that windfall asset price inflation in mind again, so you fly inland all the time to wherever your daughter can afford a house. And you count yourself lucky you had a daughter instead of a son.

    Your friends complain about their sons, still unmarried, frequently unemployed. Those friends have given up on the idea of their sons ever presenting them with grandchildren.

    If you own real estate in Vancouver, you’re rich. The median multiple is 12.6. In San Jose, it’s 9.4. In Sydney, 11.7. In Auckland, 9.0. The bad news is, you never see your grandkids. Or they don’t exist.

    But was it your intention to price your own children out of the real estate market? No. That’s merely the result. It wasn’t deliberate. So would you be willing to rent out your house to move to your daughter’s city? I wonder if people do that?

    Maybe millennials have to make an all-out effort to remind people of the cuteness of grandchildren. The propaganda campaign has to convince the elderlies that a grandchild is even better than asset price inflation.

  5. After the way Kamala Harris tried to deny due process to Justice Kavanaugh, she has no chance. Nobody on the right or even the center is going to forget that.

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