1 thought on “Images for the Graphic Novel Version

  1. Now that I see them like that, it’s clear that these are not phrased in comparable forms. For conservative and libertarian, the terms represent good vs. bad *qualities*, but in the progressive case it’s phrased as the relation between *agents*. To be similar, that should perhaps be “liberation-oppression”. (or “equality”?)
    Going down this path the other way, conservative might be “barbarians-oppressed” and libertarian “coercers-oppressed”. Within the framework, all three ideologies are concerned about the oppressed, but in the progressive case there’s no description of the abstract issue (which, again, might be “equality”)
    Perhaps this should be expressed differently. For a given issue there can be different *rankings* of the importance (to society) of the abstractions: equality, civility, and freedom. Most will agree that all three of these are important.


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