7 thoughts on “He She Had Me at Number 10

  1. Goska’s article is very unsettling if it’s true. I have no reason to doubt it, I’ve seen some milder examples of the vitriol that comes from the left, but I don’t read enough left wing blogs to know for sure.

  2. #10 seems at odds with much of the rest of the article, in which he decries leftists for being the REAL anti-semites and misogynists (e.g. when he talks about the New Atheist movement). This is a popular strategy on the right, and suggests disingenuousness. Is all of this race and gender hate real or not? If so, you should just be a leftist. If bigotry isn’t rampant, then yes be a rightist.

  3. It’s a pretty silly piece. Swap out the issues, people, and time frames and I’m reading about how Jude Wanniski cast the last vote of his life for John Kerry.

  4. I think Danusha is a girl. Not sure–but it sure sounds that way. She/he writes “So far left that a self-identified terrorist proposed marriage to me.” Also, she teaches school in Paterson.

  5. Mr. Kling, I like your three axis model very much. But it measures rather thane explains. Good science starts with measurement, but it must end in explanation.

    From the extreme Leftists I have encountered in my life, everything Goska says is fully plausible. That is what makes it disturbing.

    The oppressor axis does not explain how the extreme Left got so vile. I can understand why a Leftist would reject Palin as unqualified for office, but I cannot understand the bile. I can understand why an anti-religious Leftist might dismiss a woman critic, but why the rape threats, especially while they are droning on about the war on women?

    It goes back to the source. Marx was a fanatical hater who spewed bile on everyone and everything.

    I guess haters got hate.

  6. On the one hand, these kind of experiences probably do explain how people go from being leftists to rightists or vice versa.

    On the other hand, they aren’t really “reasons.” They are all about how unpleasant she found people on the left. But that isn’t a reason that the left is wrong about anything.

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