18 thoughts on “Another FITs update, number 23

  1. “What would Christianity be like if the early followers of Jesus could have used Facebook?”

    Wouldn’t they have been banned from the platform for spreading misinformation?

    Are you not aware of the history and persecution of the early Christian church?

  2. I appreciate the overlap between religion and Wokeism. Both use shared irrational beliefs as a binding mechanism. Both tend to divide humanity into adherents and heretics. But the analogy with something like Christianity is not perfect. There is no church hierarchy. There is no official central council. There are no regular meetings to worship or conferences to connect adherents.

    From my perspective, Trumpism is also a religion. It has services – the rallys – it has a pope – Trump – and a bishopric – Cruz, Hawley, MTG, etc etc etc. Shared irrational beliefs? You bet! Adherents and heretics? Holy cow look what they are doing to Republicans in Georgia!

    I’ve been pretty fascinated by the Herman Cain Awards on Reddit. So much of the same shitposting, the same memes, the same covid vaccine nonsense, the same “assemble prayer warriors!” until the’ve been intubated for 28 days in the icu then I guess Jesus wanted him more and called him home. Shrug. Completely nuts.

    Yes the whole “woke” thing is kind of annoying but it is, imo, greatly exaggerated. Trumpism might mean the end of the American democratic experiment. It was one stochastic event from happening on 1/6.

    • The Trump religion has exactly zero mainstream status. Contrast that with status of the woke religion (systemic racism, biological males competing in female sports, endless Covid lockdowns, etc).

      Both religions a complete joke, of course, but only one has mainstream legitimacy. That’s the difference in a nutshell.

    • What stochastic event do you believe could have happened on 1/6 that would have ended democracy?

        • And then what? What would happen after that?

          As far as I can tell what would happen after that is that Trump would be arrested and new special elections would be called to replace the legislators that were killed.

          Or do you have evidence for some alternative set of events? Are there army divisions that were going to move in on the capital to support the Trump coup? Which centers of communications and logistics was he planning to seize on Jan 6th following the successful assassination?

          How many legislators needed to die for these units to mobilize on thier pre-planned missions? Did they need to kill all of the legislators or would half have been enough? Have we recovered any of the orders for the coup? Or have any officers attested to what the signal would have been under interrogation?

    • So far the fact that every other ad I see on YouTube reminding me that a vote for Youngkin is a vote for 1/6 and Charlottesville hasn’t stopped Terry’s fall in the polls, but focus testing on people like yourself must be why he’s running them.

      BTW, when you guys hire a bunch of DEM activists to stage a false flag tiki torch event in front of Youngkin’s bus, try to remember that having a black guy there kind of makes people question what’s going on.

  3. –“What would Christianity be like if the early followers of Jesus could have used Facebook? Would it never have occurred to them to institute a custom of praying a church?”–

    Due to specifics of the religion, I don’t think you can think of Christianity as a distributed non-institutional religion with no hierarchy.

    Not only were there the twelve, but Peter was chosen as the leader of the twelve by Jesus himself, creating a hierarchy before Christianity had a name. There are other barriers to an internet religion. The Eucharist, for example, cannot be received remotely. There was also a tendency, echoed today by the monastics, by some early Christians to live in common and share their goods, which likewise can only be done in the physical world.

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