1 thought on “An econtalk with me

  1. The condescending and bigoted attitude towards people who have not been ideologically indoctrinated by the degrees and credentials peddling industry never fails to get my hackles up, so it will be a struggle to convey the counter-argument that the non-indoctrinated are much more likely to be ideologically mixed, to think independently, and to realize the incentives of the credentialed castes are not aligned with the public good or popular solidarity.

    Christopher Caldwell’ s last book, for which my appreciation continues to grow, does a good job of explaining the growth of polarization in non- condescending terms, but I want to focus here on the vast amount of work that Pew has done in this area and will provide this link as a starting point: https://www.people-press.org/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/

    Pew finds that unsurprisingly the indoctrinated are much more likely to be mixed ideologically whereas the indoctrinated are much more likely to be robotic leftists. Note too that Republicans are more ideologically mixed than Democrats, primarily because they have attracted the ideologically mixed to a greater extent: 31 to 26 percent.

    The good news is that this body of politically independent, ideologically mixed, non-binary is growing and will increase the pressure to reform the political system into an authentic democracy capable of restraining the corrupt credentialed regulating castes.

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