My favorite FITs team?

How can you not love a team named The Null Hypothesis? They had the fourth pick in the first round.
You can go to this page (link fixed) to see the different Fantasy Intellectuals teams. Just select any team. Comment only on the teams you like.

Their picks were:

1 Scott Alexander (pseudonym)
2 Bret Weinstein
3 Eric Weinstein
4 Nassim Taleb
5 Alex Tabarrok
6 Ann Althouse
7 Ben Thompson
8 Ayan Hirsi Ali
9 Eliezer Yudkowski
10 Patrick Collison
11 Zvi Mowshowitz
12 Jocko Willink
13 Mike Nayna
14 Niall Ferguson
15 Christina Hoff Summers

Most of them meet the eye test for intellectuals. The team is heavy in disagreeables, including Eric Weinstein, Taleb, and Yudkowski, all of whom could contribute meme points. Also heavy in self-styled rationalists, including Alexander, Yudkowski, and Mowshowitz. They are likely to think in bets and undertake steel-manning.

7 thoughts on “My favorite FITs team?

  1. Link seems fixed. Sorry, but one other problem that I first noticed yesterday: when I toggle through the various teams, the total team scores seem to double.

  2. I’m hoping it would be feasible to create a similar league around a different crop of intellectuals. I would clumsily refer to them as “practical intellectuals” or “applied intellectuals.” PI/AIs are intellectuals who are actively pursuing concrete goals, tangible results, etc. They operate primarily in “do mode” vs “opine mode.”

    Tom Mueller (Space X) and Kathrin Jansen (Pfizer) are two examples that come to mind.

    Potential hurdles (perhaps dealbreakers) would be the relative obscurity and limited/slow output, just to name a couple. Nonetheless, it might be a fun project for someone more capable than I.

  3. “Comment only on the teams you like.”

    Apologies in advance, but this comment will violate that requirement, so please delete me if warranted.

    Ok, so when I watch baseball, I know EXACTLY which teams to root against (Yankees, Dodgers, Red Sox, etc). I’m much less certain about the teams to root for.

    In the FIT case, I find myself actively rooting against Clan Graham. There are just too many picks that don’t meet my definition of an intellectual and I’m here to be intellectually challenged. So, Clan Graham gets to be the villain team to me and I hope they get royally clobbered.

    • Don’t hate the player; hate the game. If you feel threatened by contrarianism, it makes sense that you would root against us. Our pics reflect who we think will do well under the silly rules as they were written pre-draft.

      • Lol! Appreciate the reply.

        I don’t feel remotely threatened by your over bloated payroll of mediocre intellectual talent :).

        But, best wishes to your team and I will be rooting against you whilst enjoying some pita chips and hummus from the stands.

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