FITs update, number 14

About one of the links, I write,

The essay is mostly about how LA’s one-party Democratic control is bad, and it includes various structural electoral reforms to try to fix that. To me, it seems like a tremendous feat of cognitive dissonance on the part of Progressives that they can observe how badly a Democratic-run city works and still believe that the left is right about everything.

1 thought on “FITs update, number 14

  1. In 1932 you have a normal magazine about cats. In 1935 every article in the magazine is about the “German Cat”.

    The national association of school boards thinks that people who question the school board are domestic terrorists. The governor for virginia, ahead in the polls, thinks parents shouldn’t have a say in what is taught in schools. Teachers who won’t tow the gender and CRT ideology are fired.

    BTW, the Koch brothers came out against fighting CRT is schools. Libertarians are useless.

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