Martin Gurri watch

Megan McArdle writes (WaPo, paywalled), The media’s pronouncements about fighting “misinformation” often sound perilously close to declaring that the common presumptions of a handful of major media outlets should define the bounds of accepted truth for everyone. That’s both arrogant … Continue reading

Martin Gurri watch

1. Aaron Sibarium writes, provided elites maintained their monopoly on the presses, they could maintain a monopoly on the narrative. That’s part of what made “his realm, his religion” a viable settlement after the Thirty Years’ War. Because princes had … Continue reading

Martin Gurri watch

Concerning the latest wave of demonstrations, Martin Gurri writes, In a real sense, the digital environment represents the triumph of the image over the printed word. Because it provides the illusion of immediacy, the visual is viscerally persuasive: not surprisingly, … Continue reading