Wither 90 percent of employment?

Some analysts at the Gartner group are buying into Average is Over.

From 2020 to 2030, “you are going to see the first human-free enterprise — nobody is involved in it, it’s all software, communicating and negotiating with one another,” said Diane Morello, a Gartner analyst, who has looked at how smart machines will reshape employment.

The upshot?

On an extreme end of the scale, he [Gartner’s Kenneth Brandt] put the impact of smart machines at 90% unemployment, which is either catastrophic or leads to a utopia, where basic needs are met and people are free from drudge work.

1 thought on “Wither 90 percent of employment?

  1. Well, to be precise, it would not be 90% unemployment, but rather 90% out of the labor force. If they are looking for work, it is not a Keynesian leisure utopia.

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