Update, April 25

1.Kieran F. Docherty and others write,

A substantial proportion of excess deaths observed during the current COVID-19 pandemic are not attributed to COVID-19 and may represent an excess of deaths due to other causes.

Pointer from John Alcorn. This raises the possibility that the panic over the virus is causing about as many deaths as the virus. That would be because we are conserving hospital resources in order to maintain capacity to treat Covid patients. But don’t absolutely bet on this research being correct. For one thing, if they use our CDC numbers, the CDC has a much lower estimate of virus deaths than other data sources. But the researchers are showing the same sorts of findings for other countries.

2. 3DDRR today was 1.14, and excluding New York it was 1.17, but I am waiting until Tuesday to comment.

4 thoughts on “Update, April 25

  1. Pointing to the “other deaths” might be a way for would-be openers to engage closers. Even those willing to overlook astronomical economic costs my be willing to consider lives vs. lives realities.

    • If I die at home of the coronavirus without getting a coronavirus test, I’m bout counter as dying of the coronavirus, even though I did.

      It seems to me that there are a lot more coronoavirus deaths then officially reported.

  2. What hap­pened? From Bill Gates to your lo­cal ed­i­to­ri­al­ist, a new pri­or­ity wad­dled to the fore. We de­cided that, what­ever con­tributes to killing Amer­i-cans at a rou­tine to­tal rate of 8,000 or so a day, it shouldn’t be the coro­n­avirus.

    Ac­ci­dents, yes—6% of deaths. Heart dis­ease, yes—23%. Flu and pneu­mo­nia, yes—2%.

    These deaths are al­lowed but not deaths from the coro­n­avirus even at the cost of eco­nomic ruin for mil­lions.


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