Shiller, Taleb, and Me

Here is the 30-minute version of the 2009 New Yorker video interview with Bob Shiller and Nassim Taleb. (Tyler linked to a four-minute segment a few days ago). I want to talk about the difference between Shiller’s and Taleb’s views of inefficient markets.

When I teach regression in statistics, I show what I call the Pythagorean relationship, which describes what computer programs report as the analysis of variance. You are trying to predict a variable, Y, and the predicted values along the regression line are called Y-hat. I draw a right triangle with the standard deviation of Y-hat on one side, the standard error of the regression on another side, and the standard deviation of Y on the hypotenuse. The Pythagorean Theorem then gives you the analysis of variance.

Anyway, a lesson of this is that in an efficient prediction, the variance of your prediction will be less than the variance of the variable that you predict. Mathematically, this is because one side of a right triangle is always shorter than the hypotenuse. Intuitively, if your predictions vary by more than the variable you are trying to predict, then you can do better by toning down your predictions and moving them closer to the mean of the variable.

Shiller’s insight was to apply this idea to asset prices. In some sense, the stock price is a prediction of discounted future dividends, which I will refer to as average realized dividends. In that case, if the stock market is efficient, then the variance of stock prices should be less than the variance of average realized dividends. In fact, it is easy to see that the variance of stock prices is much higher than that of average realized dividends.

What this says, and what Fama and French later confirmed, is that you can make money by betting on mean reversion in stock prices. To do so, you assume use historical average dividends as a proxy for average realized dividends going forward. If you follow a strategy of buying when prices are low relative to historical average dividends and selling when prices are high relative to historical average dividends, then it seems that you will earn an above-normal profit.

Taleb would not bet on mean reversion. Instead, he would load up on out-of-the-money options. That way, you are betting on Black Swans.

Taleb’s point of view gets back to my criticism of Shiller’s work. From Taleb’s point of view, Shiller is like the turkey, who every day notices that the farmer is feeding him and taking care of him. The turkey does not realize that Thanksgiving is coming, and this will change the farmer’s behavior. Similarly, the markets appear to be mean-reverting, but what Shiller does not know is that a Black Swan event could come along.

For example, suppose that bond market investors have a probability p of a Black Swan, meaning that the U.S. government runs out of other options and monetizes a lot of its debt, leading to hyperinflation and making long-term bonds effectively worthless. For simplicity, suppose that this Black Swan either will or will not occur on January 1, 2020. With that simple assumption, on January 1, 2020, the true value of a long-term bond will be either 100 or 0. Whichever it turns out to be, when Shiller does his analysis in 2025, he will find that the variance of the “correct” bond price is zero. Since the price of bonds between now and 2020 is a predictor of the “correct” future bond price, to be an efficient predictor its variance can be no larger than zero.

However, between now and January 1, 2020, the bond price will vary as bond market investors’ estimate of p varies. Thus, the variance of bond prices will not be zero.

I take the view that this possibility of a Black Swan (aka, the peso problem) precludes the use of realized data to construct a “variance bound.” Only in a world where you can rule out Black Swans can you be certain that Shiller has found a market anomaly.

Although I lean toward Taleb, I consider that Shiller may be right. In any case, it is worth contemplating the tension between the two.

7 thoughts on “Shiller, Taleb, and Me

  1. Actually I would say Shiller depends on Black Swan events but does not count on them. Black Swan events are what restore the mean. In this they are really talking different time scales. Taleb says anything can happen. Shiller doesn’t say anything can happen but does say in the very long term, the political economy will right itself. That righting may take the form of a Black Swan event or many such events, but in the end they are only pseudo Black Swan events and not everything is truly possible. The heightened volatility is our fear of anything being possible, but those fears are perpetually unfounded. They are just nightmares that the coming of the day dissipates. Just the storm that passes leaving seas calm again.

  2. It’s all about time scale and the range out of outcomes for which any sort of planning is helpful, and time scales over which returns matter to human investors.

    If in 2030 the NewWorldCommunistParty gains control of the Americas it will surely not help to have made great investment plans up to that date. But of course, between now and then, it may matter a lot.

    So bounding the discussion with the correct time scale (the investor’s remaining free and useful life) and correct event scale (things where it matters what investment decisions you made) is very important, and really changes the answers.

    Shiller and friends tell us that we can make more money than most by being less foolish than most, and give hints about how to do this.

    Fama and friends point out that this is very difficult over the short or medium run and we should have reasonable expectations of ourselves.

    Taleb points out that over history, fairly dramatic things which are generally bad for investors actually happen pretty often, and indeed, such things WILL happen during, say, the rest of my likely life (I expect to live another 20 to 40 years.)

  3. > you can make money by betting on mean reversion in stock prices.

    No, generally you can’t. In order to be able to make money with this strategy you have to have two separate liquid instruments: one linked to the price of the stock, and the other – to the flow of dividends. You buy one and sell another when they deviate “too much” from each other. If you are wrong about how much is “too much” this strategy can ruin you. If you reliably know how much is “too much” you can reliably predict when the bubble bursts. For that you need a better theory than a simple observation that a bounded random quantity generally wanders about its mean.

    • Chapters 2-5 show how the probability bounds are looser. Actually I work with mean absolute deviation for an estimator, not variance.

  4. Forgive my ignorance but in the video Taleb said that you can/should convert debt to equity and I have no idea what he meant by that. It was right after he said the 2001 recession was from an equity bubble and the 2008 recession was a debt bubble.

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