Office workers trickling back

The WSJ reports,

The number of workers returning to traditional office space has been edging higher since the week of Labor Day, when an average of 31% of the workforce was back in the 10 major cities monitored by Kastle Systems. The average hit 35% during the week that ended Oct. 1 and 36% during the week that ended Oct. 8, a new high during the pandemic period, said the security company that tracks access-card swipes.

The Kastle Systems Office Occupancy Barometer seems like a really interesting indicator to follow.

4 thoughts on “Office workers trickling back

  1. They may be going back to work, but how many are happy about it? And do some 2-3 days is causing consternation

  2. Frivolous comment, but have a look at red vs. blue states. There is like a 20+ point differential.

  3. How is going back to work in the city defined. Is it 5 days a week, as in prior to Covid, ot just 1 or 2 days a week, with the remaining work days done at home.

  4. Access card swipes? They actually track access card swipes? And if they make money doing it, which they must as that is simply too boring a task for anyone to do pro bono, so I guess the libertarians are now factually correct when they say literally everything we do is tracked and sold by big corporations.

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